Tryst with Destiny: UPSC Personality Test


If you have cleared the UPSC Civil Services Prelims and Mains, and are appearing for the third and final stage, i.e. Personality Test (PT), you have arrived at the right place.

Others, you may also wish to read it anyway 🙂


I can claim to speak from some experience. I appeared for 3 consecutive PTs – in 2014, 2015 and in 2016.

My first PT was with Padma Shri Ms P Kilemsungla, an educationist from Nagaland. I secured 160 marks and missed the final result by 9 marks.

Another educationist, Prof. David R. Syiemlieh, Fulbright Scholar was the Chairperson in my second PT. I got a meagre 145 and missed the bus again by 15 marks.

My final PT was with Mr Vinay Kumar Mittal, ex Chairman of Railway Board. I scored a decent 173 and crossed the line ultimately. I got a nice 127 rank and got Indian Foreign Service (IFS), which was also my first preference. Ultimately, things moved in my favor. 🙂

Coming back to the PT.


UPSC Personality Test is NOT a test of depth of your knowledge. That is what the Main Examination is for.

It is not even an interview. It is certainly not a conversation; that is it not a free-flowing frank discussion on issues.

The purpose of the Personality Test as I understand is to evaluate you as a person. It is an attempt, although a short one to access your attitude, sensibilities, sensitivities, biases, interests and above all, confidence on a range of issues.

It is ultimately, as the name suggests, a test of your personality.


Indeed. But if that’s the case, can one really prepare for the PT in such short time-span?


But HOW?


For acing the personality test, you have to shed the “aspirant” or the “student” skin. You are not being admitted into an academy. You must wear the “officer” hat before you go in for the personality test.

What do I mean by that?

You have to think not theoretically, but practically. It is admirable to lace your answers with theoretical and philosophical constructs , but not so much for an entry level bureaucrat. An officer is expected to posses some qualities that can enable him to perform in the system. Be ready for cliched content!


Quick thinking | Logic over emotions in Decision making |An even temperament| Knowledge of the subject dealing |  Ability to hear and follow instructions | Empathy |  Curiosity

These are some of the most crucial qualities which in my view are most essential in a bureaucrat. I have not included honesty, sincerity, diligence, innovative, rule based etc.etc. Of course these are essential.

Don’t worry. These are not SUPERHUMAN qualities and are very common rather! However, it is challenging to BE THIS GUY on a consistent basis.

How can you work towards making these qualities a part of your personality?


  1. Speak less and listen more. Practice this in your conversations. (Ability to hear and follow instructions)
  2. Always take a pause before your answer. 3-4 second pause is normal for gathering your thoughts. (Quick Thinking)
  3. Brush up the key concepts of your optional subject/graduation/recent job. (Knowledge of the subject dealing)
  4. Listen to the news regularly to keep yourself updated about important issues. (Curiosity)
  5. Take Mock interviews with whoever you feel the most comfortable. This will help you learn the art of Quick Thinking as each mock will have many surprise questions.
  6. Frame your answers on “controversial topics”. Try to mention arguments of both sides in your answer and finally deliver your opinion. (Logic over emotions)
  7. Don’t be “the argumentative Indian” in the interview. State your answer and wait for follow up questions.
  8. Don’t bluff. It is OK to NOT know and tell the Board that you don’t know. (An even temperament)
  9. Be consciously aware about yourself. You should be aware of every word you have written in your DAF. But you are not expected to know everything related with the things you have mentioned in your DAF. Don’t go overboard with DAF.
  10. Be a gentleman/lady. Impression matters. (Start focusing on the way you dress. How is your tone/volume while answering. How is your posture, demeanour and gesture.) Record yourself while you try to answer and evaluate. Repeat.


In 2017, I had started teaching my cook’s two kids for an hour daily between mains and PT. My PT in 2017 was in the afternoon of 23 May. I had taken the class even on 23 May in the first half, despite the PT. Let not the fear of PT take over you!

You are capable enough. Believe me! If you have come this far after clearing MAINS, you have it in you to cross the winning mark.

Hope this helps.

Wish you the best!

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